The Role of the EP and Workforce Planning


NAPEPW are pleased to see that there will continue to be a key mandatory role for Educational Psychologists in supporting the Local Authority and education settings to identify and address pupil’s ALN  across the 0-25 age range as set out in the Bill and Draft Code of practice. We trust that further iterations of the Draft Code of Practice will help to further clarify the extent of this role but we anticipate that we will be working collaboratively at all levels and stages of the 0-25 system as outlined in the Bill.


We recognize that the Local Authority will be required to take on additional activity in meeting the ALN of those 16-25 and anticipate additional workforce requirements.


We are aware of the Specialist Workforce survey being piloted and trust that this will give a clear indication of the EP workforce planning needs in order to be able to respond to increased activity required to effectively meet the ALN of an expanded cohort of children and young people in a collaborative and person centred way, including addressing recruitment and training of new EPs and ensuring a strengthened element on 16-25 training and Continuing Professional Development e.g. working with FEIs and Specialist Colleges.


Definitions of ALN and Complexity and wider additional need


We would welcome greater information on how the wider additional needs of those previously considered in the ALN cohort (not just SEN), e.g. Travellers, EAL and other vulnerable groups, will be met distinctly from ALP which is just targeted for those meeting the current SEN definition and how this might be considered/recorded when drawing together an IDP.


We would also welcome greater clarity re what constitutes complex ALN.


The Role of the ALNCo


We would stress the importance of ALNCOs being part of Senior Management rather than requiring a Masters qualification.


There is a need for a similar role in preschool settings and it is not clear who is responsible for this in the Bill.


The Role of Health


We feel that this needs to be further strengthened in the Bill to ensure multiagency collaboration and co-construction of integrated person centred plans and collaborative delivery of ALP. We welcome the DECLO’s strategic role and the need for clear information about what services and provision Health should provide and examples of Health provided ALP.


Health are key in identification of need and early intervention planning for children preschool and should be expected to have a key role in developing the first person centred plans and supporting transition into education. The area of pre school entry, 0-3 particularly, needs strengthening in the Bill which aims to have a 0-25 system.


The Role of Social Care


We feel that the same protection should be applied to children and young people supported with Care and Support Plans due to their complex or severe disability through an integrated planning process which incorporates the IDP as required for LAC.





Disagreement Resolution and Tribunal Appeals


There is an increase in the number of points where resolution of appeals can be made and there is a danger that the resources will be disproportionately deployed in defending decisions made rather than person centred resolution. Can the Bill prescribe a person centred approach to mitigate against this?




We do not believe that fulfilling the Bill will be cost neutral and believe that current calculations both in workforce and training resources required are underestimates to deliver the welcomed preventative system.


Person centred planning and review requires time for preparation and coordination to ensure an effective collaborative planning process.


An inclusive approach requires that everyone participates, receives training and support to build capacity to identify and meet ALN and works together to achieve this.